Lüllmann GmbH
Hans-Günther-Sohl-Str. 2
47807 Krefeld
Telephone: 0049 2151 82110
Fax: 0049 2151 82112 99
E-mail: info@luellmann.com
Managing director: Lars Lüllmann
Commercial register: Krefeld District Court HRB 15554
VAT identification number: DE 119 252 780
Technical responsibility: Maasarbeit GbR
Responsibility for content: Lüllmann GmbH
Responsible according to § 55 RStV:
Anja Wegener | Authorised signatory | Marketing Director
Hans-Günther-Sohl-Str. 2
47807 Krefeld
Photos: Lüllmann GmbH, Fotolia® and Photodesign Lothar Drechsel
Adobe Stock®: Robert Kneschke (Photo "Team and Career"), MKphoto (Photo "Services"), Kalafoto (Container Photo "Delivery & System Logistics"), Bernadbodo (Team Photo "Delivery & System Logistics"), Antonioguillem (Photo "Newsletter") , vgstudio (photo "picture will follow soon"), baranq (photo "Lüllmann office equipment"), Syda Productions (photo "Lüllmann container equipment"), goodluz (photo "Lüllmann operating equipment").
Online dispute resolution in accordance with Art. 14 Paragraph 1 ODR-VO: The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board.
By selecting "Accept all", you give us permission to use the following services on our website: YouTube, Vimeo, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Tag Manager. You can change the settings at any time (fingerprint icon in the bottom left corner). For further details, please see Individual configuration and our Privacy notice.
Impressum | DatenschutzThe settings you specify here are stored in the "local storage" of your device. The settings will be remembered for the next time you visit our online shop. You can change these settings at any time (fingerprint icon in the bottom left corner).
For more information on cookie lifetime and required essential cookies, please see the Privacy notice.
To view YouTube contents on this website, you need to consent to the transfer of data and storage of third-party cookies by YouTube (Google). This allows us to improve your user experience and to make our website better and more interesting. Without your consent, no data will be transferred to YouTube. However, you will also not be able to use the YouTube services on this website.
To view Vimeo contents on this website, you need to consent to the transfer of data and storage of third-party cookies by Vimeo.. This allows us to improve your user experience and to make our website better and more interesting. Without your consent, no data will be transferred to Vimeo. However, you will also not be able to use the Vimdeo services on this website.
This is a web analysis service. It allows the user to measure advertising return on investment (ROI) and track user behavior. Data collected: anonymized IP address, date and time of visit, usage data, click path, app updates, browser information, device information, JavaScript support, pages visited, referrer URL, location information, purchase activity, widget interactions.
Google Analytics Tracking
Processing company:Google Ireland Limited
Terms of use: LinkThis is an advertising service. This service can be used to display personalized or non-personalized advertising to users. With Google Ads Conversion Tracking, we can measure our advertising success in the Google advertising network. We place advertisements in the Google advertising network so that our offers can be found more easily. We try to optimize our advertising as much as possible. Also to keep advertising costs as low as possible. This is reflected in our prices.
This is a tag management system. The Google Tag Manager allows tags to be integrated centrally via a user interface. Tags are small sections of code that can track activities. Script codes from other tools are integrated via the Google Tag Manager. The Tag Manager makes it possible to control when a specific tag is triggered.
Usage of Google functionalities
Processing company:Google Ireland Limited
Terms of use: LinkWould you like to see these contents? Activate the desired contents for one session only or allow the website to remember these settings. Once you have given your consent, the third-party data can be loaded. For this, third-party cookies might be stored on your device. You can change these settings at any time (fingerprint icon in the bottom left corner). For further details, please see the Privacy notice.